A major paradox

Megha Parwani | The Stanford Daily

Yet I myself sometimes joke about how I’d never be an English major because I want to have a job in the future. I know this brand of humor is misguided, if it can be called humor at all, and probably a defense mechanism too. After all, English has always been my favorite subject because literature and language comprise human beings, maybe more than even molecules do. English is about the lofty, overarching and messy aspects of human life — what more can a liberal arts education strive for? There’s nothing wrong with studying English, as far as academia goes. In fact, there’s a lot right with it. Sure, there are no fancy axioms, nor a rigorous scientific method to follow: You’re on your own in a great unknown… and maybe that’s why we defend ourselves from unknown-ness with derision.

Read more: https://www.stanforddaily.com/2018/02/26/a-major-paradox/

What has Donald done?

Luke Mehall | The Durango Telegraph

In a few years Trump and Pence will be done and gone – but what will they have done for us? That I don’t know, but I do have some ideas of what Trump has done for me so far.

Like Allen Ginsberg once said about America: Trump, you made me want to be a saint. You made me want to be a decent person. You made me want to love more.

Read more: https://www.durangotelegraph.com/opinion/la-vida-local/what-has-donald-done/

Once Again, Trump Threatens Dramatic Cuts to Arts, Humanities, and Public Media

Eileen Cunniffe | Nonprofit Quarterly

NPQ reported last spring on Trump’s first attempt at “shutting down” the nation’s arts and humanities agencies. That attempt was squashed by Congress, and in fact an additional $2 million in funding was awarded to the NEA for the current fiscal year. Bipartisan support—which acknowledged the impact of federal grants in different types of communities across the United States—carried the day in last year’s debate. But will it work again?

Read more: https://nonprofitquarterly.org/2018/02/19/trump-threatens-dramatic-cuts-arts-humanities-public-media/

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