Wyoming is a poor state that exports talent. Will that ever change?

Nathan Martin | High Country News

“(Wyoming is) a poor, friendly, hard-working state that exports everything, especially talent. The state leaks brain power like thin tea through a colander.”

Read more: https://www.hcn.org/issues/50.5/young-wyomingites-swim-against-the-current

10+ Witty Webcomics You Should Read to Brighten Your Day

Emma Taggart | My Modern Met

For many artists with a sense of humor, comics are a no-brainer when it comes to visually expressing their ideas and feelings. Taking the form of sequential images with overlaid captions and speech bubbles, the narrative art form first became popular in America and Japan during the mid-20th century. Though comic illustrations were traditionally printed in comic books, graphic novels, and the “funnies” section in newspapers, today many artists are publishing their own webcomics online using popular platforms such as Instagram and Tumblr.

Read more: https://mymodernmet.com/best-webcomics/

‘This country has been so unloved. People go on about 800 years of oppression, it’s 800 years of rejection’

Cormac Fitzgerald | TheJournal.ie

Keegan’s personal struggle at this time was the same as the struggle felt by hundreds of thousands of Irish people as the country worked through the economic collapse and recession. The personal was the political.

In his role as an instructor, he works to help people realise their own ability and to find their means of artistic expression – whatever helps them deal with and respond to the world around them.

The immediate world around them is Ireland – but it’s a different Ireland for everyone.

Read more: http://www.thejournal.ie/colm-keegan-3905821-Mar2018/

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