The Details
Crazyhead, a horror comedy TV series, premiered on E4 in the United Kingdom and Netflix for the rest of the world. Following Amy–recently released from the psych ward due to her hallucinations–and Raquel–a fellow “seer” who teaches Amy the ways of seeing and hunting demons, the show combines an ever so slightly more mature take of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Rebel Wilson’s vibe with the BBC’s budget.
The Good
The season is a scant six episodes with very little feeling like filler. The soundtrack / score for the series is certainly noteworthy. The humor was right up my alley, and the main antagonist–Callum, played by Tony Curran, who you’ll probably remember as Vincent van Gogh on “Doctor Who”–provides a great balance lunacy and levity.
The Bad
This is not a series for newbies to the BBC. The special effects are in par with any other show they produce. So newcomers might be disappointed in the few scenes that call for an extra touch. More importantly, anyone going into this series has to be alright with low-brow humor. Maybe not just alright. You have to embrace it. If this was shot in America, I could see Raquel’s role being taken by Rebel Wilson, minus the usual fat jokes that come with her. Dick jokes and lots of synonyms for a vagina? Expect those constantly.
The Judgement Call
The series grabbed me by the end of the first episode, whereas a similar series I tried around the same period didn’t seem to grab me after a few. If you’re good with the mid-20s jokes / sexuality, then expect a fun beginning, middle, and end. Susie Wokoma plays the role of “Raquel” great as someone who has a history of others treating her as insane. Lewis Reeves’ “Jake” is incredibly cringeworthy at first, but his warmth will win you over by the end. Just try it for one episode, and judge how you’ll enjoy the series by how you react to the dick jokes.
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